PUSH & Share

We invite food and cash donations to stock up our Pop-Up Food Bank which runs every 2nd Saturday in the month from 11am to 2pm.

Please give generously to this cause as it is much needed in these challenging times. 

Please bring non-perishable long-life food to the Rock Tower on Sunday, or give financially to the church account (Act# 60316636, Sort Code 20-74-63) using reference “FOOD BANK”.

Please see the list below of food items we need:

Baked Beans
Breakfast Cereal
Dried Rice
Pasta Sauce
Tea Bags
Soup (tinned)
Meat (tinned)
Tomatoes (tinned)
Dried Pasta
Tuna (tinned)

Long Life Whole Milk
Spaghettic (tinned)
Long Life Juice
Cup A Soup/Noodles
Long Lfe Milk
Rice Pudding (tinned)
Vegetables (tinned)
Fruits (tinned)