We ask that during our 30-Day PUSH, as you give up two meals a day, you also donate the cost of those meals to buying food for the poor.

Your food donations will be used to stock up our Pop-Up Food Bank running throughout this month of March.

Please give generously to this cause as it is much needed in these challenging times. For example: If a 3-person household normally spends £50 weekly on shopping, during fasting they could use £20 – £30 weekly to buy food from the list attached. Food can be brought to church on a weekly basis over the month of fasting.

Please bring non-perishable long-life food to the Rock Tower on Sunday, or give financially to the church account (Act# 60316636, Sort Code 20-74-63) using reference “FOOD BANK”.

Please see the list below of food items we need:

Long Life Whole Milk

Baked Beans

Spaghetti (tinned)

Breakfast Cereal

Long Life Juice

Dried Rice

Spread (e.g. Jam)

Pasta Sauce

Cup A Soup/ Noodles

Tea Bags

Long Life Milk

Soup (tinned)

Rice Pudding (tinned)


Vegetables (tinned)

Meat (tinned)


Tomatoes (tinned)

Fruits (tinned)

Dried Pasta

Tuna (tinned)