Discover Your Place

The third step in our simple process in House on the Rock London is the Discovery of Your Place in the Church and the World.

After the discovery of God, the discovery of the new you, the next most important discovery is to discover your place in the Church and in the world.

There is a place for you. You would not have discovered God or yourself if there was no place for you. You are an answer to a question. A solution to a problem. There is a niche for your competence and an arena for your performance. We are set to help you find your place.

We believe that the first place where you must find your place is in the Church. The Church is the mainstay and foundation of truth to the world. Each one of us has vital contributions to make to the local and global Church. You need to find your place in the body of Christ – a place to belong and to contribute.

But the purpose of the Church is not just for itself but rather to reach the world. So we are set to help you find not just your place in the Church but also your place in the world where you will be an effective witness for Christ. Your relevance is not to be limited to the Church but also be expressed in the larger world.

When you complete the discovery process from the Discovery of God to the Discovery of You to the Discovery of Your Place you will be well on on your way to fulfilling your destiny and achieving your divine purpose in life.

To find out how you can plug in to our Church, visit and connect with our Departments, and Ministries, and join Life Group.Â